Traveling between Bratislava and Budapest

Bratislava and Budapest are relatively close capital cities and travelers commonly arrange trips between Bratislava and Budapest. There are several ways to journey from one city to the other by public transportation or by automobile.

Traveling between Bratislava and Budapest


The train schedule from Bratislava to Budapest may be viewed online. Usually, it is easier to decide on a schedule before going to the train station.

Tickets can be purchased at the Bratislava Main Train Station (Hlavna Stanica). Most trains go from Bratislava Hlavna Stanica to Budapest Keleti.
The journey by train takes about two and a half hours and costs |14.20| for a one-way ticket. However, it is better to buy a round-trip ticket, which is only |16|, than to purchase two one-way tickets. The return ticket is valid for 30 days after buying it.


One perk about traveling by bus is that connections may be checked online and reservations may be made and paid for online. Travelers usually begin from Bratislava, AS (Bratislava Bus Station) and journey to Budapest, Nepliget.

The price of a one-way ticket is approximately 8 €. A round-trip ticket costs 16 €. The trip from Bratislava to Budapest by bus takes about two and a half hour.


The Rocket Speedboat is a hydrofoil that leaves from the Personal Ship Port at Bratislava's Fajnorovo Nabrezie Embankment and arrives in Budapest at the International Landing Stage at Belgrade Quay.

Traveling on the Danube River between Bratislava and Budapest, it takes four hours downstream from Bratislava and four and a half hours upstream back to Bratislava.
A one-way ticket costs |79| and a round-trip ticket costs |99|. With an international student card or another discount card, the price is |59.25| for a one-way ticket and |74.25| for a round trip ticket. All other necessary information can be found at the Bratislava-Budapest Hydrofoil Website.


The 250 kilometer car-ride between Bratislava and Budapest takes a little less than two hours. Our website offers the option of ordering a personal vehicle with a driver via our verified business partners. We can offer a car for three passengers, a van for eight, or a microbus for fourteen.

The price for a personal vehicle is for the whole car, not per person. Being driven from Budapest Ferihegyi airport to any hotel or place in Bratislava is possible upon request. For an additional charge, a limousine is available. Being picked up within the city limits of Budapest is also possible.