Calling to and within Slovakia

If you would like to call from abroad, it´s necessary to know the country code, which is for Slovakia +421 (or 00421). When calling a mobile phone number, the first three digits belong to the mobile operator. When calling a landline, following digits are the area code - e.g. for Bratislava it is 2 (or 02 if calling from within Slovakia).

When to call to Slovakia?
When considering calling to Slovakia, bear in mind the possible time differences and schedule your calls in order to avoid unwelcome disturbing in the middle of the night.

Slovak Mobile Operators

There are 4 main mobile operators in Slovakia:

  • Orange Slovakia
  • Slovak Telekom
  • O2 Slovakia
  • and 4ka

Some of them offer additional services under their own brand or in partnership with another company (e.g. FunFón, Tesco Mobile, Juro, Radost´). If you're interested in getting a local SIM card or finding out if they offer any great packages for foreigners, we recommend checking out each operator's website and their offerings. Some of them might offer services without the need for a contract, which can be a good solution for foreigners or tourists. 

Emergency calls

The following special phone numbers are valid nationwide and you should know them for emergencies:

112 - General emergency
150 - Fire brigade
155 - Ambulance
158 - Police
159 - Municipal police