Greetings in Slovak language

This article is a part of series, in which you can learn some basic Slovak phrases you can use during your stay in Bratislava. Do you want to learn more from this beautiful Slovak language, not just how to say hello or happy birthday? Check other parts of our Basic Slovak Language Guide!

Say Hello in Slovak and break the ice!

Greetings are not only a sign of decency but also one of the most powerful icebreakers that help to start conversation with other people. Or at least show the effort to know the local Slovak culture more. And what can pleasantly surprise more than wishing Merry Christmas or saying your Slovak friend Happy Birthday in Slovak language? So let´s have a look at the most common greetings, goodbyes and wishes.

Vitajte - Welcome
Ahoj, cau - Hello, Hi
Dovidenia - Good bye
Dobre rano - Good morning
Dobry den - Good afternoon
Dobry vecer - Good evening
Dobru noc - Good night
Rád vás poznávam - Nice to meet you.
Ako sa mas? - How are you?
Mam sa dobre - I am fine
Mam sa zle - I am not very well
Čoskoro dovidenia - See you soon
Vidíme sa zajtra! - See you tomorrow
Tak zatiaľ / Uvidíme sa neskôr - See you later
Majte sa! - Goodbye
Pekný deň prajem - Have a nice day

Vsetko najlepsie k narodeninam - Happy Birthday!
Vsetko najlepsie k meninam - Happy Nameday!
Stastneho valentina - Happy Valentine's Day!
Vesele vianoce a stastny novy rok - Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!